The Greatest among you must be a servant

This is number thirty-three in our series of on-line services led by The Rev’d Simon Carver. We hope that you enjoy listening to the words and music and that it will help you feel part of the community of our church through these difficult times.

We are grateful to Birgitta Birchall, Matthew Green, Gemma Winpenny and Graham Pinder and the Music Group for our music and to Danny Smith, who arranges the podcasting.

To see this week’s service sheet click here.

Order of Service

1.Prelude“Be still for the presence of the Lord” (Matthew Green)
2. Welcome
3. Call to Worship Psalm 103:  1 – 3
4. Song “As the deer pants for the water”
6. Reading  Matthew 23:1-12 (Jan Morse)
9. Song “Brother, sister, let me serve you”
11. Postlude “Jesus paid it all” (Kim Walker-Smith)
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One Comment

  1. Juliana Fourie
    1st November 2020

    Thank you!!! Truly enjoyed the sermon!! Blessings !
    Juliana Fourie

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