A Touching Place

This is number fifty-six in our series of on-line services led by The Rev’d Simon Carver. We hope you enjoy listening to the words and music and that it will help you feel part of the community of our church through these difficult times.
We are grateful to Danny Smith, who arranges the podcasting.
To see this week’s service sheet click here

Order of Service

1. Prelude “Hallelujah Chorus” – The Royal Opera House
2. Welcome
3.Call to Worship
4. Song “This joyful Eastertide”
6. Reading – John 20:1-18 (Catriona Carver)
7. Song “See what a morning”
8. Sermon – Don’t touch me
9. Song “Low in the grave he lay”
11. Song “Thine be the glory”
12. Benediction
13. Postlude “Jesus Christ is risen today”
PRS License: LE-0020373
Danny Smith Written by: