Song of Songs

This is number eighty-seven in our series of on-line services led by The Rev’d Simon Carver. We hope that you enjoy listening to the words and music and that it will help you feel part of the community of our church through these difficult times.
We are grateful to Danny Smith, who arranges the podcasting.
Today’s podcast is a little different in that it is based around the marriage service for our son Rory Carver and his fiancée Harriet Birchall. All the music you will hear was included in the service on Friday 5th November at St Andrew’s Church, Saxthorpe, Norfolk
To see this week’s service sheet click here.
Order of Service
1. Prelude “Au fond du temple saint” from The Pearl Fisher
2. Welcome
3. Call to Worship: Psalm 33:2-9
4. Song “Tell out my soul”
5. Prayer
6. Readings: Appetite (an extract) & Thief of Time (an extract)
7. Song “Tomorrow shall be my dancing day”
8.Reading – Song of Songs 2:10-13; 8:6-7
10. Prayer
11. Blessing“Beati quorum via”
12. Postlude “Jerusalem”
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