Award Winning Children’s Author, Mental Health Awareness Week, Art Exhibitions & Anti-War Books

On this week’s edition of the show, Matt Adams from The Herts Advertiser talks about the recent Lib-Dem landslide in our local elections, an award winning children’s author who has partnered with Just Like Us, a LGBT+ charity, and the efforts of local mental health charity YouthTalk.

Peter Kelleher from the Hertfordshire ME/CFS Support Group talks about their art exhibition at Collective Gallery & Art Project Space on Holywell Hill from 12th – 24th May.  Find out more about the exhibition on their website.

Also on the show this week we get the latest book recommendations from regular correspondent Clare Hobba.  Here are her choices for May:

Slaughterhouse 5, Kurt Vonnegut

Catch-22, Joseph Heller

Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks

Find out more about Clare on her website

Danny Smith Written by: