Save The Farmer’s Boy, Jubilee Street Parties and Volunteering Opportunities

Anna from Communities 1st talked about communities 1st and the volunteer centre, you can find out more about what opportunities are out there by visiting

If you need some support to get into volunteering you can come see Anna to discuss the Supported volunteering project able2enable at the civic centre by appointment, please email to book an appointment or phone 0203 989 2610 to find out more information. 

She also spoke about training that communities 1st have coming up. You can visit to book and find out more information about their courses

Anna also mentioned the NHS Recruits Buddies scheme. If you would like to volunteer as a one to one buddy, email:

Matt Adams from The Herts Advertiser also joined us to talk about local news in St Albans and surrounding areas.  Find out more at

Danny Smith Written by: