Protests, Bim Quits, Rail Freight Interchange Latest & Communities 1st

Matt Adams from The Herts Advertiser joins us for another look at the biggest local news stories.  Find out more on their website.

Anna from Communities 1st also joins us.  She spoke about meetings for Ukrainian refugees. Find out more on the Herts With Ukraine website

She also spoke about two health support groups running at the Jolly Sailor Pub, 3 Stonecross, st Albans, AL1 4AA. The first group is for those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and will be held at 10am and the second group is for those with Diabetes from 12pm. For more information please email or call 01727 649900.

Anna also spoke about Employer Supported Volunteering events. To find out more, get in touch with us at

Lastly, Anna mentioned A New You, the free confidence-building course that explores team
building, being assertive, stress awareness, and communication/life skills. Find out more at For more information please email or call 01727 634877

Danny Smith Written by: